As members will be aware, last year a Working Party was established to consider the RAGC’s Membership Value Proposition and report to the Committee. The Working Party resolved to survey members. All members aged 18 years and over were given the opportunity to complete the survey. A summary of the responses is attached. Other than with respect to the one question asked of Category 1 members only, the summary reflects the responses of all members who participated in the survey.

The Working Party had its first preliminary discussion about the survey in February. Given the significant amount of data, the Working Party has resolved not to meet again until May. That time is needed for members of the Working Party to carefully consider the responses of members and to evaluate what recommendations members of the Working Party might consider to be appropriate.

Many members took the opportunity to make comments. There are too many to include in the attached summary. Time is also needed group comments into themes and determine which comments fit within the Working Party’s Terms of Reference. In the event that a comment does not fall within the Terms of Reference, it will not be ignored. The collection of comments into themes will facilitate the referral of comments to the Chair of the relevant Sub-Committee. In addition, all comments are available to the General Manager as he is a member of the Working Party.

If a member has questions about the work of the Working Party or wishes to raise any issues with respect to the summary of the survey, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Adam Kimber
Chair Membership Development Working Party

Membership Development Survey Summary